Monochrome Factor (モノクローム・ファクター, Monokurōmu Fakutā?) is about a story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him that they have a destiny together. When Akira hears this, he is shocked and doesn't believe a word of it. Aya, a friend of Akira, forgets something in the school one night, and asks Akira to help her and go find it. He agrees, and while there, he gets attacked by a shadow monster. Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted and that Akira must become a "shin"- a creature of the shadow world- in order to help restore the balance. The anime has shōnen-ai themes which are completely absent from the manga.
Akira Nikaido (二海堂 昶, Nikaidō Akira?) Voiced by: Daisuke Ono
Akira is the 16-year-old protagonist of the series in his second year of High School. He is strong and impatient, often skipping class since he does not like school. Changing into his shadow form causes his hair and portions of his clothing to turn black, and his eyes to turn red. In order for Akira to stay in his human form, he initially depends on Shirogane to become his shadow, but later on uses a Doppler item. While in his spirit form, he uses a pair of daggers to fight.
Shirogane (白銀, Shirogane?) Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe
With his trademark black coat and top hat, and long, silvery hair, Shirogane is a mysterious man who appears before Akira and involves him in the fight between the shadow world and human world. He carries around a cane which, apparently, can be surged with spiritual energy to fight off Kokuchi. Shirogane hides his true personality. His way of speech changes to one with a sharp tongue. His usual calm, smiling side becomes more cold and aggressive. In the manga, after switching personalities, his cane changes to a katana and therefore, able to slice Nanaya's arm off. In the anime, Shirogane appears to have a romantic interest in Akira, but he is less persistent in the manga.
With his trademark black coat and top hat, and long, silvery hair, Shirogane is a mysterious man who appears before Akira and involves him in the fight between the shadow world and human world. He carries around a cane which, apparently, can be surged with spiritual energy to fight off Kokuchi. Shirogane hides his true personality. His way of speech changes to one with a sharp tongue. His usual calm, smiling side becomes more cold and aggressive. In the manga, after switching personalities, his cane changes to a katana and therefore, able to slice Nanaya's arm off. In the anime, Shirogane appears to have a romantic interest in Akira, but he is less persistent in the manga.
Kengo Asamura (浅村 賢吾, Asamura Kengo?) Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya
16-year-old Kengo is in the same class as Akira, and usually hangs out with him. Despite Akira's distant approach, the two share a deep friendship. He has a very cheerful disposition. His latent abilities were activated in his desire to help his older sister. He usually fights using his own body, and uses Al Cesta gloves given to him by Akira/Shirogane, which takes the form of gauntlets in battle that seemingly increases Kengo's strength.
Aya Suzuno (鈴野 綾, Suzuno Aya?) Voiced by: Masumi Asano
Another 16-year-old student in Akira's class, Aya is part of its Disciplinary Committee, and has a strong sense of justice. She has a very direct personality and is very skilled in kendo. As such, she uses her kendo while fighting Kokuchi. Her Kuresame, given to her by Shirogane, gives her yoroi and a katana to use in battle.
Haruka Kujo (九条 悠, Kujō Haruka?) Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga
An 11-year-old American university graduate, who befriends Akira. He is rich and lives in a huge mansion. He is the successor to the Kujo family, known for its daemonic experiments using traditional techniques of yin and yang. To atone for his ancestors' sins, Haruka volunteers to fight the Kokuchi alongside Akira, despite him not being able to physically fight them. He uses a crossbow. Haruka was created specifically for the anime and does not appear in the manga.
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