Thursday 22 November 2007

Taro is now 20

Official Residence of Takashi Taro (15 Nov): Early morning, everything still normal without any people know my birthday. Just 2 greetings received from Kuroyami and Nastaasiah. As promised, Sora along with me went to cyber cafe. He said that it would be as a gift for my birthday.
In Friendster, only one unknown friend gave me a comment regarding my brithday. Meanwhile in MSN, only Joey greets me. Much of my time in cafe used in updating both Friendster, my IMEEM with some new songs, posted news on my weblog and search items.
Sora and I have our lunch in McD at 4 something. Afterward, we went to PS shop and brought Smackdown vs RAW 2008. He also gave it to me as presents.
After back home, taking bath and watch Spring Waltz, I was tired and have a rest until I-Cah sent me a greeting too.
Around 7.45pm, Kuro called me and asked whether I would like to eat blueberry cake. So I just replied "up to you to decide". 8 o' clock, I went to night marketto meet Sora. Again, Kuro called me. She said she was in front of my house. She brought cake and another package - contained a shirt brought by her and Princess Serena.
The cake was cut an hour before 12 midnight - I gave to my family, some for myself and another 4 cuts for Takashi(s).