Saturday 1 December 2007

The end of Takashi? - An unknown answer

To everyone else may be too common but in Clan of Takashi, everything not as simple as pet-brothers and sisters. People feel much easy to accept it. To me, it is much more different to accept a person. For a boy who to become a part of Clan, he must be the one who the Mighty One 'gave a sign of'. I couldn't doubt His 'sign' and He will establish a connection between me and him. For a girl, they won't be any terms applied but still depends according to speciality and also equal amount with boys.
Between period of 2005-2007, my pet-brothers (that time only boys taken) will automatically become a part of Clan Family (previously Descendants of God). According to Laws of Descendants, they will be carried heavy responsibilities (i.e. replacing as Head of Descendants or Captain of team established under Descendants; carrying Japanese family name as Takashi).
I, myself never have any brother love from my same-blood brother. Thus, through Descendants (or Clan Family), I hoping to get the love and warm from a brother which I never had before. To me, although they were not my real brothers (or sisters) but with my affords and energies, I treated them as my real brothers. We all like a real family without any blood relation and we don't have the same surnames too. To make it more realistic, all my brothers or sisters including myself was given honour as Takashi.
Due to I the oldest, I became the Head of Family of my second family also as an elder brother to them. All my pet-brothers and sisters also given special status rather than just pets - my pet-brothers were called as close brothers and same with my pet-sisters too (close sisters, but still undergoing rechecking process). My close brothers also named accordingly - Takashi Ken (w/d), Takashi Kenjiro, Takashi Saburo. My close sisters was named respectively in black (Takashi Kuroyami) and white (Takashi Yuriko).
My close brothers may hard to deal with because they 'might have reasons for avoiding' and hard to receive me openly. I have been rejected twice by my ex-close brothers - twice. Andy used to be my first close brother but he rejected me because he accepted another person in gang as his pet-brother. Second, was by Ken (also known as David). He used to be very active person. Whenever I get angry with him, he will used his energy to chase me back and used ideas to makes me happy. Due to his family dislike my family background, he rejected me and later I scolded his babysitter, causing him hated me.
In Descendants (or Clan Family), besides Ken has the 'sign' from the Mighty One, another person also a part of Descendants - Kenjiro (also known as Samuel) has the 'sign' from Him too. I know him 3 years ago and I asked him to be my close brother few months later. He agreed and accpeted me. He also currently my only surviving hope.
As time goes on, I started to have doubt in our brotherhood. I don't know whether he treated me as a friend or a brother? I always wanted to ask him about the matter but I don't dare to ask as I afraid of the answer and reject again for the third time. Each time I went to Assembly House, my heart will get upset as for the answer to be unknown.
Both of us have some similarities. We both same heights, same jersey number in same sport and we both a school prefect (different school and different year). However, sometimes his 'cold' behaviour either me or Kuroyami makes me the doubt. Especially about the annual Descendants' Outplay. He doesn't want to take pictures during the Outplay because I wish I can take pictures with him as my memories. Another thing happened on Friday (30/11) when he asked me to buy a computer mouse for him and later he would pay me back after I buy it. I said I would buy it for you as I also used his laptop occasionally. But he replied 'no need to buy for him because he used it until damaged'.
I really hope that Kenjiro's answer won't be a 'no' and I hope that he could treat me as his brother also to seal our brotherhood forever. I want my attentions, my heart can make him feels how I want for him and how I feel now. The answer will remain unknown and so with the whole fate of people whom carried the name 'Takashi'. Our relationship is the longest-running relationship in my whole life. I wish I could preserve the brotherhood relationship between us.
  • The name Samuel and David was given by Taro as from they were a part of chosen people to continue Taro's ambitions.
  • Samuel (1 Samuel Ch1:v20) which in Hebrew means "name of God", is here related to Hebrew verb for "ask". He served the Lord as his parents promised. Samuel also a priest who appointed Saul and later David as King of Israel Kingdom.
  • Kenjiro, which the word -Ken was "built" related to his appointment to replacing the place as Captain and Head of Family. While -Jiro was his position after the Elder Brother.
  • He is the second elder brother to Yuriko, while his cousin brother is Taro's bestfriend.
  • He will be going to Republic of China (Taiwan) on December 2. As a pert of brotherhood test, Taro asked him to buy any kind of souvenirs which he choose and buy it himself.
  • He is currently the second close brother of Taro.
  • He will be a prefect in Confucian Private Secondary School meanwhile, Taro was a prefect in year of 2005-2006 which also hold positions as Information and Publicities Head and Leader of Exco 6.
  • Both Kenjiro and Taro wear jersey number 7 in basketball but different team.
  • Both Taro and Kenjiro height were same - 174cm.