Sunday 30 December 2007

15 minutes?

One day, a boy went down the road and stand on the middle of the road. He loudly said that "This road already brought by my father!!!". Users of the road saw the incident and reported it to the police.
15 minutes later, police patrol arrived and a policeman step down from the car to ask the boy why does he stand on the middle of the road. The boy furiously replied "BLEEKKKKKKKK!!!....". So the policeman without any doubt confirmed him as mentally ill and called the ambulance to take him to the hospital.
15 minutes later, an ambulance arrived but this time, the boy set himself on fire. The policeman saw it and immediately call the fire brigade.
15 minutes later, fire brigade arrived. However, the boy already burned down and died. The policeman again saw the the situation and called the undertaker.
Another 15 minutes later, the undertaker arrived to collect the boy's corpse. After that the undertaker left following by the police patrol, ambulance and fire brigade. Users continue enjoying thier journey as all of the civil service members left less than a minutes.