Wednesday 20 February 2008

The Big Show return and challenged Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

The Big Show made his return during No Way Out, where he cut a promo on his recent weight loss and future plans. After doing so, Show began to taunt professional boxer Floyd Mayweather, Jr., who was in attendance and who was Mysterio's close friend, as Show threatened to give Mysterio a chokeslam. Mayweather aided his friend, as he entered the ring to confront Show. Show then got on his knees to allow Mayweather to punch him, which Mayweather did, by hitting him with a combination of punches, which caused Show to bleed from the nose and mouth. Mayweather and his crew then fled the ring, where Shane McMahon stopped Show from chasing after them.[6][11]

During the next night's Monday Night RAW, The Big Show-sized gauntlet has been thrown down, and six-time boxing champion Floyd “Money” Mayweather has accepted his challenge.

Big Show goaded Mayweather into accepting a future one-on-one match one night after their controversial melee at No Way Out. Mayweather peppered the monolithic former WWE and ECW Champion with punches after he made a surprise return and began roughing up his injured friend, Rey Mysterio.

At first, Big Show seemed cordial to the boxing champion, apologizing publicly to the Honda Center crowd and fans worldwide for his actions Sunday night. Sporting a black eye and bandaged nose from Mayweather’s punches the night before, the giant asked the boxer to come to the ring to accept his apology personally.

Mayweather returned the sentiments, but with a caveat.

“I’m sorry things had to happen that way, but I’m the best fighter in the world,” Mayweather said. “And when I get called out like that, I have to retaliate.”

“It’s OK. It’s in the past,” Big Show replied. “I want to tell you man to man, face to face, that I am sorry.” The giant then offered a handshake to Mayweather, which was hesitantly accepted.

As Mayweather and his entourage left the ringside area, politeness and courtesy took a field day as Big Show let his true feelings be known, stopping the boxer in his tracks.

“The only way you could hurt me was on my knees, and even on my knees, I’m still bigger than you,” he taunted. “You know if I wanted to, I can take you out in two minutes.”

Mayweather fumed with his back turned to the giant, but Big Show continued with his verbal barrage.

“You don’t believe me, you have doubts? Why don’t you take me on one-on-one,” Big Show challenged. “You’re 39-0, why don’t you try to make it 40-0? Think about it, what do you say?”

Mayweather stormed back into the ring, and screamed “I accept!” into Big Show’s face. As the two stared each other down, the boxer feigned a punch at the giant, which caused Show to flinch. The undefeated WBC welterweight champion laughed as he exited the ring, leaving the giant seething.

Stay tuned to as this story develops.