Saturday 17 January 2009

Neo Angelique Abyss (S1+S2)

Neo Angelique ~Abyss~ (ネオアンジェリーク Abyss, Neo Angelique ~Abyss~?) is a spin-off of the Angelique series and is based on the Neo Angelique game. The story takes place in a fictional world called Arcadia, where life-draining monsters called Thanatos plague the populace. The only ones who have the power to exterminate these creatures are Purifiers, but only a few exist. One day, Angelique, who is just a presumably normal girl attending school, is visited by Nyx, a rich gentlemen, as well as a Purifier, who created an organization comprised of Purifiers dedicated to eliminating Thanatos. Nyx is interested in the potential power she possesses and invites her to join his organization, but she refuses since she wants to become a doctor, like her father. However, when her school is later attacked by a Thanatos, she ends up activating her powers in her want to protect those in danger. After purifying the creature, she finds out she has a unique purifying power, and that is she the one that has been foretold in legends, the "Queen's Egg". It is then that her journey begins, and she becomes the only female Purifier in the world. This series is noted as being quite similar to Kiniro no Corda, otherwise known as La Corda D'oro.
Nyx goes to Angelique's school to ask her to aid him in protecting the world of Thanatos. While fighting the Thanatos Angelique discovers that she has a special power. Angelique and Rayne set off on their first mission to Rayne's hometown to destroy a few Thanatos. During their mission, they meet another Purifying Ability Compatible, J.D. who helps them in their mission. Angelique and Rayne are sent to destroy Thanatos on the Ship of Stars. When few Thanatos escape from the ship, Hyuga, a man which Angelique met earlier helps to destroy them. It is revealed he is also a Purifying Ability Compatible and vows to protect Angelique. Bernard, a reporter for the Wodon Times, sets off to Hidamari Mansion to investigate the rumored “Queen's Egg”. When Angelique is alone in the field Jet appears. Rayne, Nyx, J.D., and Hyuga show up fight back against the Thanatos and Jet while Angelique shows her power healing light. The group, now referred to as the Aube Hunters, set off to Celestizam to meet with the Religious Leader. On the way there they make a short stop off at the Melrose Girl's Academy then continue on to a small town that welcomes them for the night. While there Angelique is put to the test to perform to people’s expectations and questions if she really can do it. The Aube Hunters enter Celestizam while Hyuga stays outside. Angelique has an audience with the Religious leader and sorts out her emotions. When leaving she runs into Roche, which persistently tries to get an exclusive interview. Angelique escapes with the help of Rene and is taken to his secret place the Silver Tree. Meanwhile J.D is starting to have a problem and is trying to desperately hide it from his friends. J.D. mysteriously collapses and is found out to be an artifact. Angelique and Hyuga set out to find his cure located in J.D’s past in a town called Kozu. The consortium has created a new weapon to battle the Thanatos. The orb hunters are invited to see a demonstration of Jinx's awesome power. Angelique takes a day off to visit friends, whom she runs away from when they have a fight. Roche finds Angelique and takes her out on a date. The Jinx are taking longer and longer to destroy the Thanatos. Nyx takes Angelique to a ball, where some questions are raised about Nyx's past. Thanatos attack Jinx and destroy them. More Thanatos appear at Angelique's old school and Sally and Hannah are missing along with a photographer who turns out to be Bernard. The boys fight the Thanatos while Angelique looks for her friends, whom she finds cornered by a Thanatos, Angelique with the help of a broken Jinx kills the Thanatos, but as the episode ends, Angelique is kidnapped, by Jet. Agelique was kidnapped by Jet. She was brought in the Artifact Building. She was being experimented on by Erenfried. Later, the Aube Hunter came to save her. They have fought the jinx but they didn't have enought power to defeat Jet. But hearing the voices of them, Angelique with her power help them to win. At last they won. They once united but suddenly Yorgo have a important talk to Rayne. Yorgo told him that Ange can save the world with her power. But Rayne was opposed of Yorgo. Angelique found Rayne and have a talk. Rayne was afraid that Angelique would not live but he let her decide if she wants to save the world with her power even it is exchange of her life. Agelique was able to decide she would do it even if she would die.
This story begins 6th month after the first season. Thanatos are taken over the silent sun and villages now believe the orbs hunters lead them there. Apparently Angelique has been unconscious for the past 6 months.Lord Mathias's, of the Religious Organization is revealed that he was just a fake leader, and was chosen because of his great memory to memorise all of Arcadia's history.Bernard and Roche invetigate what had happened in the time of when Angelique fell unconscious and find Rayne while being attacked by thanatos. Angelique notices a shining butterfly and remembers there was a shining butterfly when she first met Hyuuga. Afterwards Angelique has a talk with Hyuuga about that when he has something bothering him, he should tell her about it. He tells her that the matter should not concern her and that he shall protect her. That following evening Angelique thinks about her talk with Hyuuga when suddenly she hears a thanatos cry. Angelique, Rayne, and J.D. go out to see what is happenning and checks it out.When the villagers ask the knights for help they see Sir Dion,Sir Dion sees Angelique again and remembers her and Rayne tells him not to say this matter too loudly. Afterwards Angelique, Rayne, J.D., and Sir Dion go to the the Spirit Illusion Tower. There Angelique asks Sir Dion to tall them about Hyuuga and his past. Sir Dion says that it there is nothing he needs to tell them, but then tells them out of Angelique's asking. It turns out that Hyuuga had a good friend when he was still a knight. His name was Carlyle. When Hyuuga, Carlyle, and Sir Dion were good friends back then Hyuuga and Carlyle were being judged for the Holy Knight title. Carlyle was rumered to be chosen, but Hyuuga was chosen instead. Jealous, Carlyle left the knights. When Hyuuga and Sir Dion heard of this, Hyuuga's appiontment was postponed so that Hyuuga was could find him. He finally found Carlyle, but he was possesed by a thanatos through an Artifact chip when Hyuuga finally found him and was forced to purify Carlyle. When they all got to the top of the tower they found Hyuuga captured by thanatos said to be Carlyle reborn. Afterwards they all find out that Carlyle's soul was the shining butterfly and that the thanatos was really not Carlyle. After, the scenery changes to the Holy City and Renè and Mathias talk about Angelique returning to the Holy City. Angelique and the others visit the Sacred Capital where she meets up with Renie at the Silver Leaf Tree; the same place where she first met him. Here, Renie tells her he's getting ready to take over as the Leader of the Organization. Meanwhile, Roche and Bernard are searching for the truth about Nyx and the only clue they have is a letter. We learn about the history of Renie and Mathias, back when Mathias was told he could no longer be the Leader and was put in charge of training Renie to become the Leader. Erenfried has finally finished creating the Artifact chip that Mathias ordered him to in exchange for Yorgo's freedom. However, Mathias has reneged on his half of the promise and has Erenfried thrown into jail. After chatting with Renie, Angelique goes back to her room where Bernard and Roche have finally arrived. They show her the letter which was written by August, one of Nyx's grandfather's friends. In the letter, however, August writes that he believes Nyx and the grandfather who'd left on the journey long ago are the same person. Even August began his own investigation as to Nyx's background but could find nothing. August besieges Angelique to save Nyx. Rayne suggests to go through the material once again while Angelique muses on her own personal thoughts and leaves the room with the claim for fresh air. Bernard finds Angelique, tells her that it's fine to cry and then says a phrase that she remembers from her past. Turns out Bernard is the son of a relative she stayed with after her parents died and the two of them had developed a very close relationship. When he left on a journey, he gave her the ivory rose necklace. The reason he's held it all this time is because he remembered the memento which also explained his great desire to find her when she disappeared. Back at the large prayer room, Mathias has appeared before the Highest Elder to announce Angelique's return. Extremely surprised as he expected Mathias to have long disappeared from the Sacred Capital, the Elder expresses his anger but it's short-lived as Mathias buries the knife into his chest. Everyone is gathered for the crowning ceremony of Rene in the Sacred City palace. But Mathias interrupts the ceremony, claiming that he is the only one fit to be a king as there is no one who loves the capital more than he. He even chides Renie for complaining how he's a caged bird because of Renie's ignorance at how the world outside the capital truly is. He pulls out the knife and notes the irony of how the Highest Elder had Renie give him this knife. The reason being was that it was an unspoken command to not only remove himself from the Sacred Capital but to commit suicide as his life truly meant nothing to them except as a substitute until the real Leader was born (aka Renie). His existence would have only been even more troublesome at such a turbulent time in Arcadia. He insinuates that the Elder can no longer order him from the capital, allowing the others to draw the conclusion as to what the Elder's fate was. He places the Artifact chip on his neck (similar to the one Carlyle had, the same one that Rayne created long ago) to receive the enhanced purification powers it's rumored to do for a user. Jet is ordered to take Angelique and when the others run to her rescue, Mathias shows us the first uses of his new powers. Nobody knows what the Artifact chip truly does so it's quite the surprise (even for Mathias) when they realize the chip allows them to call and control the Thanatos. J.D. faces off with Jet and while J.D. doesn't want to fight Jet, Jet has no hesitation. Just as Jet is about to deliver the final blow to J.D., Angelique screams out and stops Jet. This confuses and irritates Jet even more as he doesn't understand how a voice other than his Master's can control him. He practically strangles Angelique to death but Nyx shows up and rescues Angelique. He asks Angelique to follow him since he has very little time left as the true Nyx (before the Erebos takes over again) and holds out his hand, asking her to take it. Angelique hesitates as she realizes her friends are fighting inside the Consortium but realizes that if she lets him go, he may be lost to her forever. She takes his hand and follows him. Bernard and Roche sees those two dashing away from the battle and Bernard tries to chase after her, only for Roche to stop him. Bernard is mad and throws Roche's hand off but in the struggle, a picture has dropped to the ground. Bernard picks it up, sees that it's a picture of Angelique and realizes something.